Working Outdoors In the Fall with HotHands Hand Warmers

hothands hand warmers keep you warm working outdoors in the fall

Extreme heat events are increasing temperatures throughout the world. This summer, June smashed record highs with temperatures reaching 111 degrees F.  But don’t let the heat fool you. Paradoxically, this warmer climate may actually contribute to the upcoming extreme cold we are expecting this winter: Normally, the jet stream winds around the Arctic’s polar vortex and acts as a lasso of sorts, keeping the cold air trapped inside. But when the Arctic rapidly warms, the jet stream weakens and elongates, disrupts the polar vortex, and redirects the bitter cold air south.

The build up to these extreme cold snaps starts with autumn, which makes September and October the perfect time to stock up on Hot Hands disposable hand warmers bulk; you definitely don’t want to be without them when the extreme cold hits. 

Autumn is also the perfect time to get your outdoor affairs in order before winter comes knocking. Fall’s combination of shorter days and drastic temperature swings remind us to prepare our lawns and gardens for winter. The fresh, crisp air tells us to stockpile wood, clean out the gutters, and install storm windows and doors. Our hard-to-bend, frigid fingers remind us to use Hot Hands hand warmers to help with blood flow and warmth so we can seal up masonry, rake leaves, and protect the patio furniture for fall and winter. 

So when you are planning your outdoor winterizing “to do” list, it is common sense to make sure that, along with your tools and equipment, you include HotHands hand warmers for multiple days, nights, and family members so you don’t run out. A good way to ensure that you have enough is to get bulk hand warmers, which include 240 pairs. 

But fall is more than protecting the herbs and aerating the soil. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Would it not make your outdoor tasks more enjoyable to, after you’ve caulked, pruned, and protected, have a family picnic on your freshly raked lawn, all while being comforted from the autumn chill with HotHands products? 

The relief from knowing your property is protected for the winter, is the same relief your fingers feel when you keep them warm with Hot Hands products. 

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